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One step closer in Fight Against Cancer: Cancer Awareness Walk at Kankaria Lake

Cancer Awareness Walk was organised to raise public awareness about the importance of early

detection and treatment of cancer


Ahmedabad, Feb 4:

In recognition of World Cancer Day, a cancer awareness walk was held on 4th Feb by GCS Hospital in association with Ahmedabad Medical Association and Maninagar Medical Association at Kankaria Lake to raise awareness about the disease and encourage early detection and treatment.

In India, one in nine people is likely to develop cancer in his/her lifetime. The 5 most common cancer are Breast Cancer (13.5%), Oral cavity Cancer (10.3%), Cervical Cancer (9.4%), Lung Cancer (5.5%), and Colorectal (4.9%). The top five cancers in men and women account for 47.2% of all cancers; these cancers can be prevented, screened for, and/or detected early and treated at an early stage. This could significantly reduce the death rate from these cancers.

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, affecting millions of people and their families. The theme of World Cancer Day this year is “Close the care gap,” a call to action for individuals, communities, and governments to come together and make a difference in the fight against cancer.

Cancer Awareness Walk was initiated by blowing balloon in the air by Cancer survivors. The cancer awareness walk was attended by more than 300 people including survivors, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and community members to show their support and commitment to the cause. The event included informational booths explaining cancer, symptoms, treatment, and prevention, and a walk through the Kankaria Lake to raise awareness about cancer and encourage participation.

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