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Maiden Laracon India to take place in Ahmedabad on Feb 25-26

 1,200+ participants including software developers, entrepreneurs and 20+ speakers from across 10+ countries to be part of the event


Ahmedabad, Feb 21: Laracon India, the official Laravel Conference is being organised in India for the first time ever on February 25 and 26 in Ahmedabad.

Laravel is a free and open-source PHP web framework intended for web application development. The conference Laracon India will witness participation of web developers, entrepreneurs and representatives of companies who use Laravel for a series of applications, from across India and abroad who will engage in discussions on a range of subjects around Laravel and the ecosystem around it.

This is for the first time that a Laracon edition is being organised in India, which is the fourth country by far to have seen this conference.

Taylor Otwell, CEO, Laravel, will be present at the conference along with several others. The event will witness participation of some 1,200+ people from across 10+ countries. The attendees will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on workshops and demonstrations. National and international speakers will also be presenting talks on subjects such as Laravel, PHP, VueJS, web development, and various other topics.

Vishal Rajpurohit, founder and CTO, ViitorCloud Technologies is instrumental is organizing this tech savvy conference in Ahmedabad.

Speaking about the event, Rajpurohit, said, “Laracon India is one of the most sought after technology events and involves fastest-growing communities of Laravel across the world.  This is the first time in the history of the Laracon events that the founder himself is going to be present”.

When asked why Ahmedabad was chosen as the venue for conference Rajpurohit explained that “the biggest community of this Technology belongs to the Ahmedabad and Gujarat region across India.”

Laravel has a growing acceptance across the world and therefore, it is important to create more awareness about it among the younger generation as well.

“For techies in this sector, it is a great opportunity to start conversations around the language as most companies using this framework will need a workforce in the coming days. The event will also be an opportunity to create awareness about Gujarat as a thriving software industry ecosystem and how foraying in this market only benefits companies. Majority of the attendees of the event will be CEOs and top management executives of software companies in addition to foreign delegates,” he further explained.

Delegates and experts from the USA, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Portugal, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Australia, Bangladesh, Maldives, Switzerland, Mauritius, among others would be attending the event.

Key speakers at the Laracon India include, Freek Van der Herten, Developer at Spatie; Jess Archer, Australian Full-stack Developer on the Laravel Core Team; Marcel Pociot, CTO at BeyondCode; James Brooks, Happy Dev; Gaurav Makhecha, Founder of a web dev agency named ‘Freshbits’; Cancio, Full-Stack Developer by day / Laravel Community Contributor by night; Abhishek Bhaskar, Beatboxer, MC, NFT Artist; Francisco Madeira, Co-author of Termwind; Nuno Maduro, Laravel core member — creator of PEST, among several others.



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