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 Sandeep Choudhary’s dream project ‘Save Earth Mission’ to see the day of light  in Ahmedabad on July 6

 1500 delegates from 69 countries are going to participate in th emega

event including experts and real ‘earth lovers’

‘Earth Save Mission’  promises to create a community which

would take the message forward across the globe  


By Rafat Quadri

Ahmedabad, June 28: Several Hollywood films which are based on the theme ‘Save Earth’ have been shouting loud to convey and warn the people to save this earth. So many glaring examples of earth going warmer, glaciers melting, sea level rising and much more are staring into our eyes. Yet, the pace with which things have to go about earth saving are too negligible. It has to go all out everywhere from every country. The blame game of developed countries on the developing countries for creating pollution. Such statements and more keep resonating among the members of the ‘Save Earth Mission’ (SEM).

Lead by Who Sandeep Chaudhary, a biz-preneur turned into a ‘green-activist’ and subsequently the leader to the world’s one of the biggest mission ‘save earth mission’. The team which has been networking to the day for past on and half year  have decided to go for a formal launch of their mission at Ahmedabad.

Gurdas Singh Jaisal, Global Head Government & corporate affairs of SEM and advisor to Sheikh Majid Rashid Al Mualla explained the mission’s next big move as he said  “A 100 member core committee comprising of experts from different fields across the nation are to be folded into the SEM to reach out to the people across the world. Idea is to make it a 100 crore people’s community of SEM within next three years. If each one of such member plants one plant and looks after it growing into a tree sincerely, earth will be a better place to live. Similarly we want to get lot of feed back process it and go ahead with different programmes wherein we can include and introduce it to the world through its own people which are present across the globe”.

“The Save Earth Mission’s Mega Take-off Event, scheduled for July 6 in Ahmedabad is set to mark the official debut of the enigmatic Inflector superhero, dubbed the saviour of our planet. The event will be graced by esteemed dignitaries, including Union Minister of State for Civil Aviation and Road Transport and Highways General VK Singh, Sheikh Majid Rashid Al Mualla, a member of the ruling family in the UAE, and  Dennis G Roberts, the founder and innovator of Inflector from the USA”.

“With 1500 delegates from 69 countries in attendance, the event is poised to be the largest gathering of its kind, uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds who share a common goal: to save our planet. The Save Earth Mission, a global initiative dedicated to reducing carbon footprints and promoting sustainable practices, has garnered immense support, with over 10 million people already joining the cause. Our aim is to reach a billion people over the next three years, fostering a worldwide movement towards a Zero Carbon future by 2040”.

Yash Dev Singh, SEM Co-Ordinator while speaking to BILKULONLINE saidWe have roped in like-minded activists, individuals NGO leaders and experts and Gujarat and are now launching the SEM from Ahmedabad on July 6th, we chose Gujarat being the land of Mahatma”.

“The highlight of the Mega Take-off Event will be the introduction of the mysterious Inflector superhero, whose mission is to protect the environment. Inflector is not just limited to the physical world; the superhero will also leverage digital platforms, including music videos and potentially future film appearances, to educate people about their behaviors and the impact they have on our beautiful planet. Although details about Inflector’s appearance, name, and origin remain shrouded in mystery, one thing is certain: his presence at the event will mark his first appearance on Earth.

General VK Singh (Minister of States Road Transport & Highways) is to attend the event as chief guest and Sheikh Majid Rashid Al Mualla member of the ruling family UAE, &  Dennis G Roberts, the founder and innovator of Inflector from the USA will be the guest of Honour during Save Earth Mission’s Mega Take-off Event in Ahmedabad” Singh added.

Jagdish Padhiyar, , Mukesh Makwana, Archana Singh Charan were the other experts of the SEM who were present tp put forth the mission’s involvement and creating the biggest community on earth to make this earth a place to live for future generations. They are in their capacities of liaison, tribal activist and alike are rendering the yeomen service and taking the message of SEM grow big and beautifully worthy for the earth.

Save Earth Mission’s holistic approach encompasses not only raising awareness but also utilizing a blockchain-based ecosystem to ensure that the benefits of their efforts are shared among the community members actively contributing to the welfare of the world. This unique initiative has attracted a diverse group of supporters, including social workers, industrialists, artists, professionals, saints, diplomats, and even members of royal families, all united in their determination to combat climate change.

The organization emphasizes the vital role that individual participation plays in reducing carbon emissions and adopting eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyles. Save Earth Mission invites everyone to recognize the significance of this collective endeavour, stressing that there is no alternative for our world. As they firmly assert, “there is no planet B.”

The SEM in Ahmedabad promises to be a transformative experience, heralding the arrival of the Inflector superhero and inspiring a global movement towards environmental preservation. With its visionary leaders, dedicated community members, and widespread support, the Save Earth Mission is setting the stage for a sustainable future, where the preservation of our planet is of paramount importance.

(Rafat Quadri can be contacted at

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