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Convention against Public Universities’ act AISEC calls to continue the movement

Ahmedabad, sept 20: Today a convention was organized by All India Save Education Committee (AISEC), Gujarat Chapter, in Ahmedabad against recently passed Public Universities’ Act. This Convention was in continuation of various protest program taken statewide against proposed Common University Bill.

Initiating the Convention, Prof. Mahadev Desai, former President, All Gujarat University Teachers’ Association and also former Vice President, AIFUCTO, told that the Act has been brought in totally undemocratic manner, without discussion with all the stakeholders. It is aimed to snatch the autonomy of our universities.

Prof. Hemantkumar Shah referred to various Clauses and sub clauses of the Government Statutes and proved that the Act is aimed to curb the voice of Professors, Lecturers, Staff as well as Students. He gave an example that during emergency one lakh people were arrested which silenced 75 Crore people, while during freedom movement, one crore people participated and 32 Crore people got independence.

Prakashbhai N. Shah, All India President, AISEC, said that we will have to reclaim the snatched autonomy by the movement. He also gave the example that when Nails were nailed on the cross of Jesus, its voice was overpowered by the voice of an old man shouting out of pain. But in the books of history, nailing of Jesus is noted, not the shouting of the old man.

Mehboobbhai Makarani, Prof. Devduttsingh Rana, student Ayush and others also spoke on the occasion.

It was resolved in the Convention to represent before The Governor to not to sign the Act. The program ended with a Human Chain in which slogans of ‘Swayatta Zindabad’(Long Live Autonomy) were hurled.

Dr. Kanu Khadadiya,  Joint Secretary, Gujarat Chapter, AISEC informed the media through a press release.

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