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Simplicity & Elegance are key to create a great design: Dr Pramod Varma, Chief Architect Aadhaar, UPI, & India  Stack  at NID’s 43rd Convocation

477 students from BDes, MDes and PhD Programmes graduated  from 20 varied disciplines


Ahmedabad, Jan 4: “Design simplicity and elegance are key to the success of projects like Aadhaar and UPI.  These projects demonstrate how a well-designed system can handle the enormous diversity and scale of India and truly transform lives of a billion plus people”.

These are the words of experience and wisdom by the Chief Guest Dr Pramod Varma, Chief Guest, Chief Architect Aadhaar, UPI, & India Stack. Dr Varma said “As an artist by birth and computer scientist by profession, having had the privilege of being the chief architect of these systems, I am happy to share my key lessons with the NID graduates.  When I see the optimism and enthusiasm of these students, I am truly hopeful for a better tomorrow, not only India, but for the world! My hearty congratulations to all on this momentous occasion”.

NID (National Institute of  Design), Ahmedabad celebrated its 43 Convocation today where Dr.  Pramod Varma, Chief Architect Aadhaar, UPI and India Stack was the esteemed convocation speaker. The Convocation ceremony was followed by the inauguration of several events & displays associated with this important celebration of the Institute.   

Himani Pandey, IAS, Chairperson of Governing Council, Joint  Secretary DPIIT  reiterated that “Design, at its core, is not just about aesthetics but a force that shapes our experiences,  solves complex problems, and propels innovation. In today’s fast-evolving world, where change is the only constant, the role of design becomes even more pivotal. Design thinking is a catalyst for progress, and you, the graduates of the National Institute of Design, are equipped with the skills and vision to drive this change. The government  stands as a steadfast partner in your journey. We will continue to foster an environment  conducive to design-led innovation, provide avenues for collaboration between  academia and industry, and support initiatives that propel India to the forefront of the  global design landscape”.

She added that “As you step out into the world, I urge you to be ambassadors of  responsible and ethical design. Consider the impact of your creations on the  environment, society, and future generations. Embrace diversity and inclusivity in  your designs, and let your work reflect the rich tapestry of our nation”.

Prof. Praveen Nahar, Director NID Ahmedabad  shared his own thoughts with the students when he said “Your time at NID has been a transformative journey, and today is a testament to the  dedication and passion that has fuelled your success. As you step into the world with  hearts full of creativity, remember that your designs are not just products; they are  reflections of your dreams, resilience, and passion. Having gained rich immersive  learning here at NID, we trust you will extend this outside the classroom by becoming  patient listeners to all voices alike, remain unbiased, and work towards bringing  individuals together. I sincerely laud each one of you for envisioning unique projects  powered with the new wave of design thinking, thereby creating new domains of  knowledge in the field of design. Today, as you stand with your heads held high with  glory and the success of accomplishing a thoroughly onerous educational programme  here at NID, you must carry the spirit of NID with you, let it fuel your imagination, and  embrace the future fearlessly” a happy and proud Director of the esteemed design institute said.  

The theme of NID’s 43rd Convocation was Collective Transformation” that is how we Converge, Connect, Experiment, Transform, Diverge & Transcend.  Inspired by Kaleidoscope, the identity for NID’s 43rd Convocation symbolises the  evolution of students into designers. It highlights the way students come from diverse  origins and converge within a shared space, fostering connections, collaborations, and  collective growth. Along this trajectory, the students undergo personal development  whereby they cultivate greater empathy, sharpen their skills, and identify their niche.  Even if the students diverge into individual paths beyond this point, as young designers,  they remain intrinsically linked to their foundational roots.  

To celebrate the momentous occasion, this year too, events around the Convocation  have been organised. This year’s Annual Design  Show 2023 titled ‘LINES’. The show has been curated by a team of students and  faculty members. The Annual Design Show as a collective reflection tool creates a space  for exploring the works undertaken at NID Ahmedabad and its extension campuses in  Gandhinagar and Bengaluru throughout the academic year. The exhibition seeks to  highlight transformational processes and moments where learners engage in the process  of framing and reframing questions that drive their creative work and projects. LINES,  Annual Design Show 2023 deconstruct the works into categories of demand, depict,  defend, deploy and deviate.  

This year in the Design Panorama gallery NID presents an exhibition that  brings together an array of material from the institution’s archive, Knowledge  Management Centre and related networks and repositories. It explores the histories of  cybernetics as a phenomenon and its relationship to design, and design education which  we hope enlivens our urgent debates around AI. 

Tune in, Boot up, Plug-in: National Institute of Design’s Intertwinements with  Cybernetics. This exhibition charts ‘Cybernetics’ and allied nodes, while positioning NID  as a junction, as a port, and as a feedback loop. Bringing together an array of material  from the institution’s archive, Knowledge Management Centre and related networks and  repositories, this space explores cybernetics as a phenomenon and its relationship to  design, design education and linked offshoots.  

Emerging Techno Futures, it explores the dynamic intersection of design and  technologies that are shaping the future. This approach anticipates and integrates  breakthrough technologies into design processes, pushing the boundaries of creativity,  interaction and functionality. From augmented reality and artificial intelligence to  sustainable materials and bio-inspired design, the focus is on harnessing emerging  technologies to address complex challenges and create innovative solutions. Designers  in this realm envision and prototype futuristic products, environments, and experiences,  emphasising a forward-thinking approach that embraces the transformative power of  technology. By staying at the forefront of emerging techno futures, designers can play a  pivotal role in shaping a more advanced, sustainable, and interconnected world.  

Get to know the work of our 477 young designers, you can see “Graduate Show  2023” through posters on design street and a specially designed web application. There  are other pop-up displays by various disciplines, research and integrated service  departments and recently concluded open elective “Water Matters” is a reflection of a  design-led approach by our students to comprehend the vast ongoing water crisis.  

Live Streaming of the Convocation ceremony was carried out to the larger  community which started at 4:30 PM (IST) on NID official YouTube channel and  Institute Website.  


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