Ahmedabad, March 21: On 19th March 2024, Headquarters, No. 1 Coast Guard District (South Gujarat, Daman & Diu) organized a Regional Maritime Search and Rescue seminar/workshop followed by a sea exercise. The event aimed to revalidate procedures and policies for responding to maritime SAR by all maritime stakeholders, ensuring readiness and integration of resource agencies, equipment, communication procedures, and effectiveness of training.
The seminar was attended by various stakeholders from District Administration, Space Application Centre (ISRO), GMB, private ports, VTS Kutch, and fisheries officials. Deliberations focused on enhancing the mechanism for Maritime Search and Rescue, emphasizing regular interaction and coordination among stakeholders to ensure synergized efforts and confidence among seafarers regarding safety at sea.
During the operational demonstration at sea/harbor, various activities such as high-speed demonstrations and SAR ops were showcased, highlighting the preparedness and capabilities of all stakeholders involved.