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Marengo CIMS Hospital Celebrates 100 Life-Saving Kidney Transplants

Marengo CIMS Hospital stands today as a preferred destination in West India for organ transplants

This landmark achievement underscores Marengo CIMS Hospital’s position as a leader in renal care and its commitment to enhancing patient care to optimize lives saved


Ahmedabad, May 25: Marengo CIMS Hospital, a renowned Centre of medical excellence in Ahmedabad, proudly announces the successful completion of 100 kidney transplants, marking a significant milestone in its commitment to advancing healthcare and saving lives through organ transplantation.

Led by Dr. Siddharth Mavani, Director of Nephrology & Kidney Transplant at Marengo CIMS Hospital, the transplant team has become a leader in renal transplants, utilizing advanced technology and enhanced surgical techniques. The team, including Dr. Pankaj Shah, Dr. Hitesh Desai, and Dr. Mayur Patil, has been recognized for its pioneering surgical procedures aimed at improving patient care and recovery.

Reflecting on this achievement, Dr. Siddharth Mavani stated, “The journey to achieve a century in kidney transplants has been incredible for the team. The dedication of each one of the team members to establish our clinical excellence as a potent force has been remarkable. We are so proud to have achieved a hundred to our credit. With the support the management has extended to us to make this possible, we are increasingly directed to do better to enhance patient care outcomes, save more and more lives, and strengthen our position as a preferred healthcare provider.”

The hospital commenced its kidney transplant program in 2015, performing the first transplant that year. Since then, Marengo CIMS Hospital has positioned itself as a preferred destination for organ transplants through transformative processes and expanding transplant outcomes.

Dr. Keyur Parikh, Chairman of Marengo CIMS Hospital, remarked, “As we celebrate the remarkable milestone of 100 successful kidney transplants at Marengo CIMS Hospital, we recognize the strength of the team of doctors with us, performing to their optimum skillful levels to achieve the best possible outcomes. We are also humbled by the trust and confidence each patient we treat has invested in our medical treatment solutions. As we embark on this incredible number of kidney transplants, we will continue this important work. We remain committed to promoting and supporting organ donation, for it holds the power to renew hope and restore vitality where it is most profoundly needed.”

Dr. Raajiv Singhal, Managing Director & Group CEO of Marengo Asia Hospitals, added, “We are immensely proud to have reached the milestone of performing 100 kidney transplants at our hospital. This achievement is a testament to the dedication, innovation, and compassionate care of our entire team, and it underscores our unwavering commitment to improving the lives of those affected by renal disease. As we look forward to the future, we remain dedicated to advancing our transplant program, embracing newer and advanced technologies, and continuing to offer life-changing solutions to those in need. This accomplishment is not just a number; it is a celebration of life, resilience, and the enduring spirit of our patients and medical team alike.”

In India, approximately 1.8 lakh people suffer from renal failure each year, yet only around 6,000 renal transplants are performed. Additionally, about 2 lakh patients die from liver failure or liver cancer annually, with 10-15% potentially savable through timely liver transplants. Kidney transplantation offers a beacon of hope for those grappling with end-stage kidney disease, providing long-term relief and significantly improving the quality of life compared to temporary solutions like dialysis.

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