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CSLC Launches Next-Gen AI Laser Eye Surgery in Ahmedabad

Comprehensive Eye Care at CSLC: From Cataract to Corneal Services

CSLC has been pioneer in introducing latest technology n Eyecare and Treatment

By Rafat Quadri

Ahmedabad, July 3: Cure Sight Laser Centre (CSLC) in Ahmedabad has set a new benchmark in refractive laser surgery by introducing the state-of-the-art SILK Elita laser machine, a next-generation AI-operated system. This advancement makes CSLC the first in Gujarat and the fifth in India to acquire this top-class technology, heralding a new era in vision correction.

Cutting-Edge Technology for Superior Vision

The SILK Elita machine enables flapless (lenticular-based) laser eye surgery, a technique that offers superior vision correction compared to traditional LASIK procedures. Patients can now expect exceptional results and resume regular activities the very next day. This new technology promises a superior vision quality of 6/5 and introduces a fresh paradigm in vision correction techniques.

Unmatched Precision and Comfort

Dr. Aditya Desai, a specialist in the SILK flapless procedure, highlights the benefits of the new technology: “The SILK Elita system uses an ultra-precise laser pulse and fast delivery system to create a smooth corneal surface, making lenticular removal extremely easy. This results in unmatched precision, efficiency, and comfort throughout the procedure.”

Benefits Galore

Leading the Way in Eye Care

CSLC stands out with its comprehensive range of services and cutting-edge technology. Dr. Aditya Desai, an expert in ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens) implantation, has earned several national and international awards for his swift and precise procedures. The center also excels in treating refractive errors through various advanced techniques, including the Femto Contoura procedure and Contoura Vision correction.

A Legacy of Excellence

Founded by Dr. Parimal Desai, a pioneer in laser refractive surgery, CSLC has treated over 300,000 patients from India and 80 other countries. The center’s dedication to excellence is evident in its continuous efforts to provide the best eye care services, including cataract surgery, retinal services, glaucoma surgery, squint procedures, and corneal services.

Commitment to Society

CSLC’s commitment to societal welfare is unwavering. The center conducts free eye check-up camps twice a year and offers concessional or free services to underprivileged patients, religious saints, and individuals aiming to join the armed forces.

Dr. Aditya Desai emphasizes, “Our commitment to providing the best eye care to everyone is our utmost priority. We aim to spread the message of advanced eye care through your media and bring awareness to society.”

Cure Sight Laser Centre continues to lead the way in innovative eye care, combining advanced technology with a deep commitment to patient well-being and societal welfare.

Dr. Jigensh Shah, Dr. Ashish Naik, Dr. Mamta Shah, Dr. Farhat Kazi, and Dr. Smit Desai provide valuable services alongside Dr. Parimal and Dr. Aditya Desai, forming a strong and dedicated team.

Dr. Parimal Desai shared his career experiences and the journey of founding Cure Sight with the media. RJ Devki, a leading RJ, actress, influencer, and social activist conducted the program smoothly.  Dr. Mona Desai, Paediatrician herself and the wife of Dr. Parimal Desai, introduced the professionals.

(Rafat Qudri can be contacted at

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