
International Day of Families highlights the genetic link between Gastrointestinal problems and Heredity

Knowing family health history can guide you to take preventive measures for your coming generations, says Gastroenterologist Dr. Yogesh Hawani


Ahmedabad,  May 14: As the world celebrates International Day of Families on May 15th, it’s an opportune moment to identity not just our individual but family health issues also. There are many health problems that points out a deep link between genetics and digestive health. Extensive research has revealed a profound influence of heredity on gastrointestinal diseases, particularly Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), marking a significant advancement in our understanding of Gastrology.

Speaking on this, Dr. Yogesh Harwani, Gastroenterologist, Noble Institute of Gastroenterology said “There are many digestive and gastro intestinal problems that are hereditary means you have such problems because either your parents carry them or they have such genes that they had been passed to you. Our genes serve as a blueprint for our bodies, including the complex digestive system. Genetic differences inherited from our parents can significantly impact our digestion, influencing everything from anatomical structures to the propensity for specific digestive problems.”

A significant number of digestive disorders, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), and Crohn’s Disease, show familial clustering, pointing out a strong genetic component. If you are aware of your family medical history, it can help you to take preventive and treatment measures.

The advent of genetic testing has revolutionized our ability to evaluate individual risk factors for digestive problems. Healthcare providers can now detect specific genetic variants linked to gut health and disease, allowing for personalized risk assessments, early diagnosis, and tailored treatment regimens.

Precision medicine has emerged as a game-changer in the field of gastroenterology. By incorporating genetic information into diagnostic and treatment decisions, medical professionals can provide focused interventions that target the underlying causes of digestive issues. From precision nutrition plans to pharmacogenomics-guided medication selection, precision medicine holds the promise of optimizing digestive health outcomes.

“As our understanding of the genetic foundations of gastrology grows, so does our ability to unveil the mysteries of digestive health. Heredity is a crucial component of the intricate web of gastrological health, and by embracing the concepts of precision medicine, personalized healthcare, and genetic testing, we can transform the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of digestive problems for future generations”, added Dr. Harwani.

On this International Day of Families, let us recognize the importance of genetic inheritance in shaping our digestive health and commit to leveraging this knowledge for the betterment of families worldwide.