MICA Prof KV RAMANI co-authors a book ‘Preventing insidious lifestyle diseases’

Ahmedabad, April 1: With an aim to communicate the impact of lifestyle diseases to common people, MICA Adjunct Faculty Prof. KV Ramani (also retired IIMA prof.) has co-authored a book titled ‘Preventing Insidious Lifestyle Diseases’ that explains the connection between poor lifestyle choices, physiological homeostasis, and chronic diseases in non-medical terms.
The book explains, in non-medical terms, the importance of maintaining all the body parameters such as lipid profile, blood sugar, etc. under control (known as physiological homeostasis) to remain away from chronic (lifelong) diseases that include heart diseases, lung diseases, kidney diseases, hypertension, diabetes, obesity.
The book, co-authored by Dr. Hemalatha Ramani (Economist), Mr. Gunjan Trivedi (Emotional wellbeing expert),
Dr.Viswanathan P (Internal Medicine), Dr.Lakshmi M (Internal Medicine), and Dr.Anita Verma (Physiology) with
Prof.Ramani as the lead author, is a culmination of knowledge from medical practices, Prof. Ramani’s experience on public health management, and extensive literature reviews of published articles.
Dr. Shailendra Raj Mehta, President & Director, MICA, said, “This is a very timely book that focuses on one of the SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) and dissects medical jargon in simple terms. I congratulate Prof.Ramani and his team for this book.”
*The book explains the connection between poor lifestyle choices, physiological homeostasis, and chronic diseases in non-medical terms.
*Chapter on nutrition and health highlights the role of macronutrients, micronutrients, water, and a balanced diet.
*Chapter on physiological homeostasis and chronic diseases include O2-CO2 exchange process, blood pressure levels, sugar levels, electrolyte and fluid balance, energy levels, obesity, cancer, diabetes, hypertension.
Delving more on the intent and scope of the book, Prof.Ramani, says, “Chronic diseases have been on the rise since the last two decades, and account for almost 65% of the total burden of diseases, globally and in India. Chronic diseases cannot be cured. Medical interventions, at best, give temporary relief and slow down the disease progression before a premature death. Reducing premature death from chronic diseases is a Sustainable Development Goal (SGD) of the World Health Organization (WHO). The inspiration to write this book is to educate the public on the need to maintain physiological homeostasis to stay healthy, avoid the risk factors, and stay away from chronic lifestyle diseases.”
The book covers lifestyle and health hazards like smoking, alcohol, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity. The chapters on physiological homeostasis and chronic diseases include the O2-CO2 exchange process, blood pressure levels, sugar levels, electrolyte and fluid balance, energy levels, obesity, cancer, diabetes, hypertension. Additionally, the chapter on nutrition and health elaborates the role of macronutrients, micronutrients, water, and a balanced diet.
Prof. Ramani says, “The USP of this book is that we have explained the connection between poor lifestyle choices, physiological homeostasis, and chronic diseases in non-medical terms. Most of the books available on this topic are written for the medical community. We aim to reach the common man and create awareness.