AMA Celebrates 104th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai
Ahmedabad, Aug 12: On 12th August, to mark the 104th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai who is known as the Father of Indian Space Program, Ahmedabad Management Association (AMA) organized the Program titled “Dr. Vikram Sarabhai’s Legacy” by Distinguished Speakers at AMA. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai founded AMA in 1956.

On this occasion, Dr. Padmanabh K. Joshi – Head, Vikram Sarabhai Archives, Nehru Foundation for Development, Ahmedabad and Author addressed the legacy in the context of “Being a Great Human” and said that he was a very warm human being with tremendous compassion for others. He was a man who could charm and win the hearts of all those who came in contact with him. He believed in an individual’s dignity and tried hard to preserve it.
Dr. Nilesh M. Desai – Distinguished Scientist, Director, Space Applications Centre (SAC/ISRO), Ahmedabad addressed the legacy in the context of “Being a Legendary Space Scientist” and said that Dr. Vikram Sarabhai’s vision of the Indian Space Programme played a significant role in today’s ISRO and addressed briefly on Chandrayaan-3 Soft landing planned for 23rd August,2023.
Deevyesh Radia, President AMA addressed the legacy in the context of “Being a Creator of Global Institutions” and said that Dr. Sarabhai was a great institution builder. He established or helped to establish a large number of institutions in diverse fields like Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad Textile Industry’s Research Association (ATIRA), Ahmedabad Management Association (AMA), Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad, Darpan Academy for Performing Arts, Vikram A Sarabhai Community Science Centre and many more. The various institutions established and looked after by Dr. Sarabhai benefitted from each other’s experience and techniques to their mutual advantage.
Prof. Pankaj N. Gajjar, President, Gujarat Science Academy Head, Department of Physics and Electronics, Gujarat University addressed the legacy in the context of “Being a Science Educator” and said that Dr. Vikram Sarabhai’s vision of Science Education for community development played an important role in India’s holistic development. Dr. Sarabhai had realised the enormous potentialities inherent in space science and technology for a wide range of social and economic development activities – communication, weather forecasting, and exploration for natural resources, to name only a few.
The Chief Guest Kartikeya V. Sarabhai, Director, CEE; Nehru Foundation for Development addressed how we can nurture young minds and sustain the legacy of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai through promotion of Science and Technology along with Humanities.
Dr. Savan Godiawala, Vice-President of AMA moderated the program and said AMA will carry forward the legacy of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai through his vision and mission. Bhikhesh Bhatt, Asmita Gurjari; Media & PR Consultant, Ganpat University said that Dr. Vikram Sarabhai was a man of deep cultural interests and he was interested in music, photography, archaeology, fine arts and so on.