NSE’s mysterious SiddhaPurush in glaring conspiracy of moneymaking with Ramakrishna, Subramanian
New Delhi, Feb 19: The NSEs mysterious “yogi” was found to be in a glaring conspiracy of money making scheme with kickbacks from the increased compensation of Anand Subramanian.
A SEBI investigation found that there appears to be a glaring conspiracy of a money making scheme that involves Chitra Ramakrishna, former NSE MD and CEO and Anand Subramanian who she hired with the unknown person, by which Ramakrishna would increase the compensation granted to Subramanian who would then pay the unknown person from such increased compensation.
An email correspondence dated February 19, 2015 between the Ramakrishna and the unknown person, that “Siddha Purusha” has advised her to revise the contract with Subramanian to five days a week only on paper for the sake of emoluments. Further, from the said mail, “Kanchan” i.e. Noticee no. 6 is to withdraw and surrender to the unknown person per month as gratitude on gross amount.
Ramakrishna has stated that she knew and was guided by the unknown person, the “Siddha Purusha”, for the past 20 years. Further, Subramanian in his statements dated September 12, 2018, has also stated that he knew the unknown person for the past 22 years.
The unknown person told Ramakrishna how to structure and devolve responsibilities including Subramanian to be kept out of key management personnel (KMP) designation in NSE. E-mail dated February 19, 2015 from Unknown Person to Ramakrishna : “So in order to have a mix of all and not precepitate the contract entered into and also maintain status on hierarchy, and considering legally the terms of reference in TITLE NOT AS KMP and still get an executive authority I propose with love and abundant blessings that you will be called from April 01, 2015 as ‘GROUP OPERATING OFFICER & ADVISOR TO MD’ at the same level as group president of the company. With this I call upon SOM to discharge the following: 1. contract to revise to 5 day week only for paper and emoluments. 3 day will continue on routine with HO and rest at will. 2. one day brought additional on contract per week Kanchan to withdraw and surrender to me per month as gratitude on gross amt. 3. Travel intl first class exceeding 5hrs journey point to point, business class for domestic for group president and above.”