
‘Taleem-O-Tarbiyat’ Education to Entrepreneurship Programme at AMA opens door to opportunity finding for youngsters

Arbaaz Khan , Adil Zainulbhai, Viren Rana drop important messages and share life experiences with the young audience

Important Workshops add more meaning to the day


By Rafat Quadri

When glamour and wisdom speak together the oratory becomes meaningful, appealing and impressive. This was witnessed on the hot summer morning at Ahmedabad’s AMA hall when actor, director, anchor and producer Arbaaz Khan was addressing a students’ gathering on Thursday.

Occasion was a seminar on “Taleem-o-Tarbiyat” (Education to Entrepreneurship) as part of the series of Education Programme for Youth & Underprivileged, being organised by city industrialist and social activist Zafar Sareshwala, former Chancellor of Maulana Azad Urdu University.

Addressing audience in a packed hall, Arbaaz started his speech in a lighter tone and mood and in minutes captured the audience with his charm, wit and wisdom. He explained the students as to why and how they should value their own selves, respect their being, improve and become skilled in order to live life king size. He said we should not fear to accept our own mistakes even as hail our own achievements. He pointed out that times have changed and that the present time scenario opens a plethora of opportunities and occasions for the youngsters to grab and get going. He advised them to excel in whatever they do and give their best. He answered the questions of the young audience. Arbaaz tried to be simple and effective in delivering his message to the students citing his own life experiences and anecdotes.

Taking the message ahead, Adil Zainulbhai, Chairman Capacity Building Commission-GOI and Chairman Network 18 group highlighted the need of “being consistent and firm in sticking to your ideas of entrepreneurship.  Once you decide to be an entrepreneur you should have a clear understanding in your head that it is not a cake walk there will be hurdles and issues, at times you will fail many time but come what may you don’t have to give up and be consistent and persuasive in your approach of taking your enterprise forward. Be in touch with your customers and consumers constantly and work on their feedback and criticism positively”

Adil informed students that they should feel proud and confident that they were growing to join the workforce of our strong country with 107 Unicorns (a $100 billion start up) and large numbers of entrepreneurs who are making our GDP grow every day. He said the present scenario is best suitable for the youngsters to shine and excel in going forward to set up their own start-ups. He added that today there are many venture capitalists, crowd-funding and angel investors who are ready to help you out financing provided that they see metal in you. This comes with clarity of your idea, perseverance, hard work and sincerity in your approach of work. In earlier days finance was very difficult but now it is relatively easier but for them who are genuinely working towards their dreams not half-heartedly.

Viren Rana, Tech Entrepreneur, Angel Investor & Philanthropist explained his viewpoint giving his own examples of failure and success in his illustrious career as an entrepreneur and angel investor. He explained with reasons that today’s business and enterprising scenario is changed in India and it is good time for them to think out  of the box, stick to it, work hard and chase your dreams but be skilled and educated. Mere qualifying for degrees is not enough. He advised youngsters that they should have a ‘risk appetite’ and that they should never give up, be consistent and keep improving and one day you are going to get  fruits.

In the post lunch session, Nikita Maheshwari, Entrepreneur and Trainer on validation of Idea conducted a workshop for the students on ‘Business Research’. The second workshop titled ‘Business Model Canvas was conducted by Shruti Kushwah, Member TiE and Crealoons Innovation.

‘Capital Markets’ was the third workshop which was organised by experts Utpal Shah, Head CDSL-Gujarat and Mahesh Pandya, BSE-IPF.

Earlier, Deevyesh Radia the President of AMA expressed his happiness towards such programs which surround needy students and sincere organisers. Radia said such programs bring insight towards financial, professional needs and queries of the budding entrepreneurs and young people. It guides them through their journey of excellence and enables them to realise their dreams.

Amitabh Shah, President Yuva Unstoppable and Yash Shekhar, Healer Counsellor & Motivational Speaker also delivered effective message and motivational discourse for the young minds.

(Rafat Quadri can be contacted at: