
High – Tech Eye Mobile Bus to Revolutionize Eye care in Gujarat : Guj Health Min Rishikesh Patel

The High-Tech Eye Mobile Bus is envisioned to combat the burden of

eye diseases prevalent in society : Dr. Tejal Dalal


Gandhinagar, Aug 3: By far the most important organs of sense are our eyes. We perceive up to 80% of all impressions by means of our sight. And if other senses such as taste or smell stop working, it’s the eyes that best protect us from danger.

Tej Eye Center, one of the India’s fastest growing chains of eye hospitals is proud to announce the grand inauguration of its state-of-the-art Eye Mobile Bus in the esteemed presence of the State Health Minister, Rishikesh Patel of Gujarat State. The event marked a significant milestone in the journey to bring accessible and affordable eye care services to every citizen, as part of corporate social responsibility by Tej Eye Center, this mobile bus is their contribution towards the noble initiative Bharat Ayushman Yojna, envisioned by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The High-Tech Eye Mobile Bus was unveiled with a vision to combat the burden of eye diseases prevalent in society by emphasizing the importance of early detection. According to statistics, a staggering 80% of blindness cases can be prevented if eye conditions are diagnosed at an early stage. Tej Eye Center’s commitment to public health and welfare inspired the initiation of this mobile eye care service.

The inauguration ceremony, held at Tej Eye Center, Gandhinagar, was attended by many eminent personalities of the society. The occasion celebrated the fusion of cutting-edge technology and aims to create a healthier and crystal clear vision for people of Gujarat.

The High-Tech Eye Mobile Bus is equipped with the latest diagnostic and screening technologies, manned by a team of skilled and experienced eye care specialists. The mobile unit is designed to travel to every nook and corner of Gujarat, making it possible for citizens across the state to receive comprehensive eye examinations and timely treatment.

Tej Eye Center’s Eye Mobile Bus aims to identify eye conditions early, provide appropriate interventions, and bridge accessibility gaps in underserved communities.

Tej Eye Center extends its heartfelt gratitude to the government of Gujarat and the state Health Minister Rishikesh Patel, for their efforts in improving healthcare infrastructure. The center pledges to work together for a healthier, prosperous, and vibrant Gujarat.

Tej Eye Center is a leading eye care provider in Gujarat. It was founded in 2000 by Dr. Tejal Dalal. The center offers a wide range of eye care services, including Cataract, Glaucoma, Diabetes related eye problems, Refractive errors and more.

Over the span of two decades Tej has now been established as one India’s fastest growing chain of eye hospitals and has been able to treat more than 5lac patients and 50,000 surgeries and is been recognized as one of the best eye center at TOI health survey. Being NABH accredited hospital Tej Eye Center also has many leading corporate tie ups like ONGC, IFFCO, BSNL, and more. World class excellence, expertise and Compassionate care are the three pillars that define our culture. At the core of the Tej eye center is the center’s unique ability in clinical excellence, revolutionary expertise and the culture of tender loving care to create better experiences for our patients.