Gujarat’s Total Solar Capacity stands at 10,133 MW
Ahmedabad, Aug 8: Gujarat’s total solar energy installed capacity stood at 10,133.66 MW as of 30th of June, 2023. Gujarat’s solar power generation in 2022-23 was 10,335.32 MU. The information was presented in Rajya Sabha on August 08, 2023 by Minister of New and Renewable Energy and Power Shri RK Singh while replying to a question raised by Member of Rajya Sabha Parimal Nathwani.
According to the statement of the minister as of 30th June, 2023, a cumulative solar power capacity of 70,096 MW has been installed in the country. India has an estimated solar power potential of 7,48,990 MW. Hence, the potential of solar energy is not fully tapped, so far. The statement says that solar projects are developed largely through private investments by the project developers selected through tariff-based competitive bidding, for captive consumption, and third-party sale, etc. At present 55.90 GW solar projects are under implementation. Â
Nathwani wanted to know about the total installed capacity of solar power generation in the country, how much of the potential has been tapped and plans for more commercial solar power plants in the country.
According to the statement of the minister, the government has taken various steps to promote renewable energy, including solar energy, in the country. Government has permitted Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) up to 100% under the automatic route. Waiver of Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) charges for inter-state sale of solar and wind power projects to be commissioned by 30th June, 2025. Declaration of trajectory for Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) up to the year 2029-30. Government has issued orders that power shall be dispatched against Letter of Credit (LC) or advance payment to ensure timely payment by distribution licensees to renewable energy generators. Launch of Green Term Ahead Market (GTAM) to facilitate sale of Renewable Energy Power through exchanges.