
Rajesh Pravinbhai Brahmabhat Vows Reform and Transparency as Change Panel Candidate in Sports Club Elections


Ahmedabad, Sep 24: As the Sports Club of Gujarat prepares for its highly anticipated elections on Sunday, September 29, Rajesh Pravinbhai Brahmabhat has stepped forward as a candidate (Serial No. 3) of the Change Panel, promising significant reforms and transparency in the club’s management.

Fighting for Members’ Rights and Club Dignity

Rajesh Pravinbhai Brahmabhat has gained recognition for his previous efforts in securing service tax refunds for a large number of club members. As part of his candidacy, he assures those members still awaiting their refunds that he will continue to fight on their behalf. “I fought for the refund of the service tax of the club, resulting in refunds to many members. My aim is to protect the respect and interests of the members,” Brahmabhat stated.

Pledge to Stop Non-Veg Food at the Club

One of the central issues in the current elections is the club’s controversial serving of non-veg food. Several religious and social groups, including Jain Samaj, Brahmin Samaj, and Patel Samaj, have raised concerns, citing that non-veg food is against Sanatan Dharma values. Brahmabhat has taken a firm stance on this issue, promising to immediately halt the serving of non-veg food at the club if elected. He has already requested the management to address this issue and is prepared for a “fierce fight” if necessary.

Affordable Club Facilities and Transparency

Brahmabhat promises to make the club’s facilities more affordable, reducing the annual fee to Rs. 999, providing films to members at a token amount, and making activities for children and women free. His manifesto emphasizes honesty and transparency, with a commitment to running the club in a manner that respects the dignity of its members. “The Sports Club of Gujarat is the common property of all members, and it needs to be preserved,” Brahmabhat emphasized.

Resolving New Club Controversy

A significant point of dissatisfaction among members is the ongoing issue surrounding the establishment of a new club. Brahmabhat pledges to either return the money invested by members with interest or use it as per members’ consensus to resolve the matter effectively. He also guarantees to take all decisions with complete member involvement.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

In addition to his promises of reform, Brahmabhat aims to make room rentals cheaper, enhance club facilities, and protect the interests and self-respect of members. He vows to work tirelessly for the club’s development throughout the year, ensuring that the club operates in a manner that is fair and beneficial to all its members.

As a candidate for change, Rajesh Pravinbhai Brahmabhat (Serial No. 3) calls on all members to vote for him in the upcoming elections to help him restore the club’s dignity and make it a place of pride for all members.